Thursday, 25 August 2011

ramadan day 25 what will we wear for eid

I cut out pictures of some islamic clothing i didnt have ones with the normal black abayah or khimar i would have used them if i did but these were good as the twins liked the bright colours i also cut out so hijab and niqab as these pictures didnt have them some have them and some dont

                                    ON A PERSONAL NOTE
I mayself dont believe that spending loads of money on eid clothes is the way to go if you buy £25 pound abayah when you would normaly spend £100 you could donate the reat of that money to charityand for those who cant aford new clothes old ones are fine as long as they are clean some muslims go to the extreme of spending hundereds of pounds on clothes they will proubly only wear once !

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

ramadan day 24 junk moderling made a masjid

this was made by sticking paper on to a small box then useing a kichen roll tube cut in half we stuck on a door as well the twins played with it after as well thy liked holding it

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Ramadan day 23 a small plate model of the kaaba

we made the Kaaba on a plate we used paper and card for this we wrapped a small box in black paper then stuck in on the plate the we used yellow paper to make the shrine of Ibrahim the twins had some small dolls which we used after it was dry and pretended they were doing umrah

Monday, 22 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 22 my house to the masjid to pray tarweeh

we used paint and small square bits of paper the twins stuck on all the big squares the small ones were done with help  the white bits of paper are the du'as for leaving home and entering the masjid and the other ones are hadiths about taraweeh and tahajjud prayers

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 21 made a start on home made eid presents

these are presents to give to neighbours and family still have a few to make these are both made from salt dough one is a heart shape little trinket pot and the other is a Islamic tile which was made by cutting out a square shape and then sticking little bits of paper then both are sprayed with varnish which makes them extra hard

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 20 ramadan weather board

we used the bottom of a cake base for this as it was hard and round i cut out the different weather signs and the twins stuck them on then we looked out the window to see what the weather was like  and moved the arrow on the broad

Friday, 19 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 19 books marks

Today we made book marks the brown one is for daddys Ouran and safiyyahs is the pink on and zakariyas is the blue the kids can use there ones for the books we have stories from the Quran and childrens seerah book ths twins used a paint colour sample book again they picked the colours and i cut them out then they stuck them down then i wrote iqraa on them

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 18 the fasting day starts and ends clocks

we used paper plates and the twins free coloured them then i drew on the numbers and put the hands on the clock and we put fajr and one and the fajr time in our area and maghrib on the other and  the local time for iftar on the clock

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 17 ramadan news paper

we made our own ramadan news paper i cut out some pictures of local news such as the riots and also charity appeals during ramadan and some other islamic news and also some clothes for eid and the twins stuck them down we also used the jel pens again to decorate the paper

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 16 we fast from sunrise until sunset picture

For this we used colored paper ripped to make a staggerd affect we also used the colour sample books you can get from a diy shop when choosing paint i cut them out and the twins stuck them on i also cut out houses flats and masjid for the sky line in the sunset i had to help the twins to get the paper in the right place but they loved it holding the hands we had some gliter jel pens they put dots on the bulidings and some starts

Monday, 15 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 15 bubble painting with du'a

We did bubble painting which they sucked in took time for them to start blowing then we write on the du'a for breacking the fast

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 14 ramadan mubarak poster

this painting was done with a old box or try then you put paper in side the you put paint crossed the paper in line so one line yellow then green and so on-then using a plastic ball put the ball in the box let the kids hold the boxs and roll the ball up and down round and round the ball rolls in the paint and makes lovely patterens

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 13 the ramadan house

we drew lines  on a paper which we divided in to rooms of a house  i had cut out pictures of furniture which we would find in a house and the twins stuck down the pictures for each room and said what each room was used for during ramadan so like we go to bed early to wake up for Fajr prayer we use the bath room to do wudu the kitchen is were mummy makes food for us for iftar and the living room is were we sit and read quran and watch taraweeh prayers

Friday, 12 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 12 we made a kabaah and talked about umrah in ramadan

we made our won Kaaba and the shrine of Ibrahim we put on our ihraam and walk around the kaaba we talked about umrah in Ramadan we went for umrah this year so they new about the kaaba as we did the tawaf 3 times we did 2 umrahs one for us and one for family members and the fear well tawaf we talked about the clothes we need to wear the ihraam i we NOTE that its not compulsory to put small infants in ihraam if you do you get the reward for doing it inshaAllah

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 11 5 pillars tree

we made our own 5 pillar tree the twins free painted cardboard brown then once dry i cut out the tree shape then they sponge painted green on to white paper and added gliter then once dry i cut out the leafs shapes and then we stuck them on to the tree we then talked about the 5 pillars i drew them out and then we stuck them on

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 10 ramadan notice board

we used gold wrapping paper which we put glitter on and fake jems then we put up some of the things we have done during ramadan so far on it

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 9 masjid picture sticking

as we made different size masjid the other day we did another actitivy this time with reall masjid pictures we talked about the difference in sizes again and safiyyah was able to regonise the Masjid Al Haraam picture  they stuck the pictures down on coloured paper

Monday, 8 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 8 prayer mats

we used card which i made wholes in the top and bottom with a whole punch then the twins used finger paints and finger painted the card then with some help they were given some pipe cleaners which i cut to size they pushed them threw and i bent them down at the back

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day7 henna hands

we used real henna i mad a pantern on their hands and they printed ther hands on the paper i then cut out there hands and they glued them down

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 6 masjid pictures

we used different post it notes in different sizes and shapes we made to differently shaped masjids we then stuck them down with glue and used starts we talked about the different shapes of masjids some are very big like masjid Al-Haram and some are small like just one room

Friday, 5 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 5 Egyptian lanterns

we started with some brigth paper red the twins used gliter shackers and gold starts to decorate then i folded the paper in half and cutlines into the paper then gluded down the to ends pushed it in to the lantern shape then we hung them up on a moblie in the bed room

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Ramadan challenge day 4 what we eat for shur and iftar

we used cut of picture i gave the twins some of the pictures and they glued them on the paper we talked about what we would eat in the morning before we start fasting and what we would eat aftr the fasting had finsihed we used bright coloured paper for these and i wrote a small note next to the pictures explaning what food was for shur and what was for iftar